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Privacy Policy

Capital Recruit is committed to providing quality services to you and this policy outlines our ongoing obligations to you in respect of how we manage your Personal Information.

We have adopted the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Privacy Act). The APPs govern the way in which we collect, use, disclose, store, secure and dispose of your Personal Information.

A copy of the Australian Privacy Principles may be obtained from the website of The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at www.aoic.gov.au.

This policy applies to information collected by Capital Recruit and outlines how we collect personal information and how we maintain, use, store and disclose the personal information we hold. By accessing Capital Recruit’s website and/or submitting your Personal Information to use through any means, you consent to the use of your information as described in this policy. If you do not agree with any terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use the Capital Recruit website or send your details to Capital Recruit in any way.

What is Personal Information and Why Do We Collect It?

Personal Information is information or an opinion that identifies an individual.

For individuals seeking employment, this includes contact details, identity information (eg. date of birth), employment history, qualifications, aptitude/psychometric test results, opinions about your work performance (eg. references), incidents at the workplace, verification of Australian work rights, verification of Australian security clearances, banking details, and other information obtained or received by us in connection with your possible and actual work placements.

For clients, this includes information regarding your company contact details, employee details, job descriptions, conversation logs, proposals for recruitment assignments, billing details and records, and other information obtained or received by us in connection with providing our services to you.

For referees, this includes information regarding your contact details, employment experience and relationship to the individual seeking employment, and other information obtained or received by us in connection with the verbal or written reference.

This Personal Information is obtained in many ways including phone screens, interviews, correspondence, recruitment functions, by telephone, by email, via our website www.capitalrecruit.com.au, from your website, from media and publications, from other publicly available sources and from third parties. The email address you provide may be used to send you information and updates pertaining to your enquiry, in addition to receiving occasional news, updates or service information, etc. If you subscribe to receive updates from us, your email address may be used to provide relevant advertising to you. If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from receiving future emails, we include detailed unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of each email. We collect your Personal Information for the primary purpose of providing our recruitment services to candidates and clients. We may also use your Personal Information for secondary purposes closely related to the primary purpose, in circumstances where you would reasonably expect such use or disclosure.

When we collect Personal Information we will, where appropriate and where possible, explain to you why we are collecting the information and how we plan to use it. In all instances, if you do not provide information, or the information provided is insufficient or inaccurate, this may limit our ability to provide services to you.

Sensitive Information

Sensitive information is defined in the Privacy Act to include information or opinion about such things as an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership of a trade union or other professional body, criminal record or health information.

Sensitive information will be used by us only:

  • For the primary purpose for which it was obtained
  • For a secondary purpose that is directly related to the primary purpose
  • With your consent; or where required or authorised by law.

Third Parties

Where reasonable and practicable to do so, we will collect your Personal Information only from you. However, in some circumstances, we may be provided with information by third parties, such as for reference checks. In such a case we will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are made aware of the information provided to us by the third party.

Information Collected on Capital Recruit’s Website

Users are advised that there are inherent risks in transmitting information across the internet. The internet is an open system and we cannot guarantee that the Personal Information you submit will not be intercepted by others. To improve your experience on our site, we may use cookies. Cookies are an industry standard and most major websites use them. A cookie is a small text fille that our site may place on your computer as a tool to remember your preferences. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, noting that this may limit the full functionality of our website.

Our website may include links to external websites operated by other organisations. They may collect Personal Information from visitors to their site. We cannot guarantee any external websites’ content or privacy practices and do not accept responsibility for those websites.

When you visit our website, we collect information regarding the last site you visited before coming to our website. This is collected for statistical analysis and we make no attempt to identify you as a user. The information is also used to remarket to you through the Google Ads Display Network and/or the Facebook Ads network. This may be facilitated using a Pixel (or related tool provided by network) to anonymously connect our website to their platform, or via providing the network with an encrypted identifier.

Our website uses Google Analytics, a service which transmits website traffic data to Google servers in the United States. Google Analytics does not identify individual users or associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. We use reports provided by Google Analytics to help us understand website traffic and webpage usage.

By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner described in Google’s Privacy Policy at https://policies.google.com/privacy and for the purposes set out above. You can opt out of Google Analytics if you disable or refuse the cookie, disable JavaScript, or use the opt-out service provided by Google through https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

We also use interfaces with social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and others. If you choose to “like” or “share” information from this website through these services, you should review the privacy policy of that service. If you are a member of a social media site, the interfaces may allow the social media site to connect your visits to this site with other Personal Information. We receive aggregated statistics about the number of people who share the content on our website.

Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

Capital Recruit collects, uses and discloses your Personal Information in order to enable us to perform our business activities and operate our business functions. We collect, hold, use and disclose Personal Information as follows:

  • For individuals seeking employment – to support work placements, recruitment functions, statistical analysis, statutory compliance requirements, client requests for contact details, referrals to clients (with permission) and direct marketing services.
  • For clients – to support client and business relationship management, recruitment functions, direct marketing services, statistical analysis and statutory compliance requirements.
  • For referees – to confirm identity and authority to provide references, work seeker suitability assessments, validation of work seeker-provided information and recruitment functions. We may disclose your Personal Information for any of the purposes for which is it primarily held or for a lawful related purpose.

We may disclose your Personal Information where we are under a legal duty to do so. Disclosure will usually be:

  • internally
  • to our clients
  • to our referees for suitability and screening purposes

Security and Storage of Personal Information

Capital Recruit takes reasonable steps to protect your Personal Information from loss, unauthorised access, and misuse, including by means of physical and electronic security measures. Your Personal Information may be stored in hard copy documents or electronically on our software or systems. If you suspect any misuse, loss or unauthorised access, please contact us immediately.

  • JobAdder is our cloud-based recruitment customer relationship management (CRM) and application tracking system (ATS). Their privacy policy is available at https://jobadder.com/privacy-policy/.
  • Astute is our cloud-based labour-hire contractor timesheets, client approvals, contractor payroll and client invoicing system. Their privacy policy is available at https://www.astutepayroll.com/legal.
  • Xero is our cloud-based labour-hire contractor payroll services and permanent/non-ongoing recruitment client invoicing system. Their privacy policy is available at https://www.xero.com/au/legal/privacy/.

When your Personal Information is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was obtained, we will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify your Personal Information. However, most of the Personal Information is or will be stored in client files which will be kept by us for a minimum of 7 years.

Access to Personal Information

You may access the Personal Information we hold about you to update and/or correct it, subject to certain exceptions. Exceptions include:

  • evaluative opinion material obtained confidentially by us when undertaking reference checks and access that would impact on the privacy rights of other people
  • evaluative opinion material obtained confidentially by us when sourcing feedback from involved parties
  • evaluative opinion material created by us when assessing candidate suitability.

If you wish to access your Personal Information, please contact us in writing. In order to protect your Personal Information, we will require identification from you before releasing the requested information.

You should also anticipate that it may take some time to process your application for access as there may be a need to retrieve information from storage and review information in order to determine what information may be provided. We may impose a moderate charge to cover the administration of processing the request. Any time delay or charge will be discussed with you at the time you request access to your Personal Information.

Maintaining the Quality of Personal Information

It is important to us that your Personal Information is up to date. We will take reasonable steps to make sure that your Personal Information is accurate, complete and up to date. If you find that the information we have is not up to date or is inaccurate, please advise us as soon as practicable so we can update our records and ensure we can continue to provide quality services to you.

Policy Updates

This Policy may change from time to time and is available on our website.

Privacy Policy Complaints and Enquiries

If you have any queries or complaints about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at:

Kelly Brown
General Manager, Capital Recruit Pty Ltd

Unit 7, 1 Pirie Street Fyshwick, ACT 2609

[email protected]

(02) 6154 9309

Capital Recruit is based in Canberra, Australia

Our job vacancies are based across a number of States in Australia.

Currently we are working with clients who require Australian work rights to be in place prior to application and we do not have opportunities for sponsorship. For more information on Australian work rights, please visit www.immi.homeaffairs.gov.au.

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