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No surprises: the benefits of using a recruitment agency

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Guest blog: Threesides Marketing

An employee resigns or your projects require additional resources, and you think, “How are we going to find someone to fill this gap in expertise?” At Threesides Marketing we found ourselves in this very situation. In the past, we’d put an ad up on SEEK or used a free job slot on LinkedIn hoping that a star candidate would apply. But we spent so much time and therefore money on reviewing, screening, and interviewing applicants with little reward. Sound familiar?

When we reached out to Capital Recruit for help in hiring a new Marketing Manager, we quickly realised the four benefits of outsourcing our recruitment.

1. Talent sourcing

When we sat down with Marita Hambesis, Marketing and Communications Recruitment Consultant, one of the first questions she asked was, “what type of person will succeed here?” Great question. It was one we had given thought to previously, but the qualities that makes someone successful at Threesides weren’t necessarily communicated on our position description.

Capital Recruit seeks to understand not only the details of a position description, but what the cultural fit is. Do you need:

  • Someone who works well in a collaborative team environment or prefers to work independently?
  • Someone to produce similar tasks monthly or will their tasks be highly varied?
  • A strategic thinker or someone who can come in and get the job done?

These questions are worth considering and answering them helps paint a picture of your organisation and what you need from a new team member.

Once Marita had a better understanding of how a new team member would fit in our team, both culturally and technically, she set about searching for suitable candidates.

Applicants v candidates

Have you ever considered the difference between who is an applicant and who is a candidate within the recruitment process? There is a distinct difference between the two and it should be noted.

An applicant is someone who shows interest and applies for a role. They may or may not have the correct experience or qualifications that are required to perform this role correctly, but they have applied which then makes them an applicant. An example of someone who is not the right fit for a role is a chef applying for a software engineer position when they have no technical coding skills or experience.

A candidate however, is a person who is deemed to be a possible fit for a role. They have then been shortlisted and vetted to ensure that they are potentially the right person for the job. This can come down to their experience, knowledge base and personality that has shown that they are possibly suitable.

2. Saves time and money

Finding the right talent is not something you want to rush into just because you have a deadline to meet. To attract the right fit, you need to have time and patience for the process. This is where hiring a recruitment agency can help you. Capital Recruit can take care of the entire recruitment process for you which in turn can help you save time and money and invest it into other areas of your work.

It might seem easier to take the hiring process into your own hands rather than using a recruiter. However, there are a lot of overhead costs to consider when you’re doing it inhouse. For example, you may not have a dedicated HR employee in your company which then means the task will be taking someone away from their regular duties at work. This can take a lot of extra time, effort and money to complete the hiring process in-house.

Hiring a recruitment agency can take the time-consuming candidate search off your to-do list. At Threesides, we found Capital Recruit to be super helpful with shortlisting the right type of candidates that we were looking for and hired one of the candidates that was presented to us.

3. Market expertise and salary insights

Marita provided valuable insights to the job market in Marketing and Communications that we were not aware of before engaging with Capital Recruit for our marketing manager role. She was able to share insights in relation to market changes in salary and where to find hidden talent in candidates that was just below the surface. Capital Recruit has provided their expert opinion and knowledge on the current market and trends they are seeing across the industry and helped us to determine whether we were placed in the right position for hiring.

Like any other professional relationship, your relationship with your recruiter should be built on trust. Having mutual respect and trust for each other will in turn make your future hiring easier as you both discover how you best work and achieve outcomes. The key to a relationship with a recruiter is to act as partners and collaborators within the space.

Capital Recruit have been an instrumental part of recruiting at Threesides and have provided solutions to areas such as lack of market supply and have helped guide us to the right person for Threesides.

4. Values led recruitment

While recognising that everyone has their own individual experience with recruitment agencies, our experience was that Capital Recruit operates differently compared to some other recruitment agencies. The value add that Capital Recruit offers is that they are not just looking to place just anyone in a role, and they want to place the right person for the role and for the company. They genuinely care about each and every candidate and client they help. It’s not just a numbers game for them. It’s their purpose.

Something they pride themselves on is their no surprises approach. Capital Recruit lives and breathes this by keeping all client communication at the forefront of mind, ensuring that nothing comes as a surprise throughout the process. They are also very transparent with their clients and if they have not been able to find the right candidate for the role you are looking to fill, they will be upfront with you and provide another solution to help solve the problem.

Capital Recruit have been fantastic with finding the right fit for the Threesides team and we are so grateful that we get to collaborate with them for all our recruitment needs.

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Capital Recruit is based in Canberra, Australia

Our job vacancies are based across a number of States in Australia.

Currently we are working with clients who require Australian work rights to be in place prior to application and we do not have opportunities for sponsorship. For more information on Australian work rights, please visit www.immi.homeaffairs.gov.au.

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